Sunday, June 28, 2009

i'd like to drop kick jared fogle.

You probably shouldn't mess with me today. I'm feeling particularly combative. Just ask the checker at HEB who called me 'sweetheart' or the man running next to me at 24-hour whose glance lingered just a little too long. I didn't want to put all of my grocery's back in my basket and switch lines or make a production of moving all of my stuff to a treadmill a considerable distance away from creepster, but it's one of those days. It might just be the inevitability of Monday's arrival. Or maybe it's something deeper, but let's be honest, I'm too flustered to try and figure it out. All I know is if I didn't have to work in an hour I'd probably try to find someone to rumble..I mean, somebody smaller and weaker obviously, maybe with vision impairment. I'm not really in the mood for a challenge, just an easy target.

I don't think I've been in a fight since 11th grade, and that didn't really constitute a 'fight' anyway. It was basketball season. I was purposefully elbowed in the face and I retaliated. It hurt like hell, it was only fair that I kick her in the shin and sucker punch her in the stomach while 'fighting for a rebound.' Biatch didn't mess with me again.

I should get in more fights. I generally avoid severe confrontation and prefer to use my vicious rhetoric to tear people a part. I'll be honest though, sometimes written words aren't satisfying. I don't have very much experience yelling at people, to their face, and I have to admit, I think I'd love it. As much as I spout about 'passion' and 'saying what you feel' I don't think I practice what I preach very often. Maybe that's what I get for being a 'bottler.' I hold in all of the combativeness, and then have days like today when all I want is to assault strangers. Luckily, if you must know the truth, I'm all talk. I don't want to fight anyone and I don't want to yell. I want to listen to 'the rest is still unwritten' by Natasha Bedingfield and write in my blog until I'm not angry anymore. Jared Fogle better thank his lucky stars...