Saturday, June 6, 2009

freaked out?

So. It isn't generally my style to write in this blog regularly. I like to keep the public wanting more, not dissimilar to the way Chik-fil-A is closed on Sundays or the way Patrick Swayze only made a cameo in Dirty Dancing 2. However, I can't stop wanting to ramble aimlessly in this silly text box, and I'm kind of in a 'do what I want' phase I put two and two together.

Today I spent my afternoon swimming amongst Austin's finest at Deep Eddy Pool, surrounded by babies, toddlers, and whatever other classifications of children there might be. While doing so, hanging with the peeps, I remembered something. It's not profound or life changing, more of a simple, comforting thought. I remembered just how damn young I am. I don't have a baby. I don't drive a mini-van. I don't have a full-time job. I don't have a mortgage. Hell, I haven't even acquired a taste for red wine. I'm obviously a child. Needless to say, it was the best feeling I've had in awhile. Sure I have friends who are graduating, getting married, and becoming people..but as a 21 year old, I've only lived 1/4 of my life. 1/4! So, despite the never ending anxiety, decision-making and adult situations..I'm a child in a world of adults. This post needs to end now because I'm going to go get drunk with some more peeps. In true youthful fashion..