Sunday, August 2, 2009

avril+legally blonde = unstoppable

Hi friends.

It's probably presumptuous to use a word like friends as it's doubtful that everyone reading this is in fact someone I associate regularly with. I should say Hi peeps. It's more encompassing.

Time for a confession:

I sincerely enjoy it every single time I hear Avril Lavigne's 'Complicated' playing on the radio. I turn that shit up and I belt it out. It isn't pretty. Maybe it stems from my crazy, private-school, 8th grade teen angst years, but listening to Avril, a misunderstood, punk-rock, free-spirit, rebel, really brings me back.

In other news, I should be reading my history book. I have to take a 'test' tomorrow, and truthfully, I'm being generous when I say test. The word test usually indicates an evaluation of knowledge has taken place, but at ACC it's different. Tests are a pathetic attempt at reassuring individuals seeking inferior educations that despite all the signs, they really do have expectations to meet, regardless if a new born baby could spit up all over a scantron, turn it in, and receive a B, if for no other reason because baby starts with B. ANYWAYS. I have a test to take, and take the test I will.

Time for another confession: I watch Legally Blonde everysingletime it is on TBS. I think it's both hilarious and unquestionably endearing. The soundtrack is totally jam worthy and I think Luke Wilson is just adorable sometimes. Who cares if the dialogue is less than stimulating and that the 'Bend and Snap' is the most over quoted movie scene in existence?

So I've made my case for both Legally Blonde and Avril Lavigne and needlessly bashed the junior college education system. I'd say I've done my part to better the world for one day. :) Happy Sunday!