Wednesday, June 11, 2008

Babies rhymes with rabies..coincidence? I think not.

I hate babies. I realize this statement alone is enough to enable an almost immediate judgement on the likelihood that I am in fact, heartless. However, take your judgement elsewhere because I once got teary-eyed during the movie 'Armageddon' circa 1998, so I do have a heart, Liv Tyler can bear witness. The point is, babies on the whole are not my thing. I generally disapprove of dependence, lack of bladder control as well as the inability to speak, (apologies to any mutes or those who suffer from overactive bladders who may be reading) and let's face it, that's three strikes right up front for babies.

It really isn't that I'm heartless, calloused, or completely selfish. I know as well as the next person, that I too was once baby, and needed my parents to selflessly devote every waking moment to making sure my neck was properly held as well as try and decipher what exactly it was that I, with a freshly changed diaper, formula laced stomach, and squeaky caterpillar toy, could POSSIBLY need during a never ending crying fit. I even thank them for their ability to maintain a seemingly sane exterior during the time of my 'infancy' or what I like to refer to as, 'imapaininEVERYONESass-cy.' But alas, I just don't think I could do it.

The 'cute' factor that so many are blinded by when it comes to babies, doesn't fool me for a second. Which leads me to my final point, I've long suspected Anne Geddes to be the Anti-Christ.